Custom Contract Vitamin Manufacturing

Pharma-Grade Nutraceutical Vitamin Contract Manufacturer

At EMF CORP we have built trust with vitamin buyers for over 20 years. Our mission is to deliver the best quality products at the lowest price. This is possible because of our in-house certified custom vitamin contract manufacturing facility.

There is no middleman between you and the manufacturer at EMF CORP Inc.

We have experience serving top-shelf vitamins for major retailers all across the globe. Our custom vitamin contract manufacturing service has capabilities for multi-vitamins, multi-vitamin packs, single ingredient vitamins, & purpose built vitamins.

Get it Correct, Go Direct!

Fun Fact: EMF CORP Has Capabilities To Make Any Kind Of Nutraceutical Vitamin.

Step One - Product Specifications

The source of vitamins varies from one type of vitamin to the other. For example, vitamin C comes from the citrus family of fruits, while vitamin A comes from vegetables such as carrots. Some vitamins are produced from natural sources while others are manufactured in the lab.

So for anyone who wants to market a supplement, the first choice that they have to make is how the supplement and its ingredients are derived. Vitamins have additives. When you chew up a vitamin C tablet you are chewing up more than just vitamin C. There are fillers in there such as:

  • Yeast
  • Calcium, and
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.

Step Two - Select The Right Manufacturer

When choosing a manufacturer, you want to look carefully at the certificate of analysis which tells you important details such as vitamin potency. A good manufacturer not only supplies this information but also the same information from an independent lab so that you know the analysis is true.

First you must gather all of the materials needed to make your product. There is the vitamin, the filler, the capsule (if needed), and the container.

What types of fillers do you want to use? Many of the answers to these types of questions come down to who your target market is and what they want. As you plan for a product launch your target market and their considerations set the pace.

Step Three - Mixing And Weighing Process

The next step of the process is the weighing and mixing. Vitamins are made in batches so each ingredient is weighed so that it represents the proper amount per batch.

The entire process is recorded and compared to the batch records. From here the ingredients are mixed into a batch. The industrial size of a vitamin batch is typically around 15-30 cubic feet, though some batches are even larger.

Pre-blending occurs when the ingredients need to be mixed. Many manufacturers supply ready to mix vitamins in powder form, but not all. Pre-blending may involve milling so that different components become the same size. A vitamin should be consistent so that when chewed or swallowed absorption occurs in a uniform process. This is also the step of the process where the filler is added to the vitamin material.

Pre-blending is not always needed, but the laboratory will test the product ingredient lists and determine whether or not milling or blending is a requirement.

Step Four - Consistency Check

Potency is just one check. Contamination from bacteria is also important, especially if your vitamin or supplement includes plant-based herbs.

In order for a vitamin tablet to “hold itself together,” the granules must remain somewhat similar in size. If the materials are not of equal size, they will require milling. If the products are not sized correctly wet granulation is used.

The process mixes the dry vitamin powder with a binding filler such as cellulose. Once combined the mixture is wetted and then dried where it will be broken up, sized, weighed, and then mixed.

Step Five - Tableting or Encapsulating

This process is all mechanical, but it is also important to test the product for weight and that the batch is processing capsules or tablets that are consistent in weight. In the case of capsules, there is a QA check for capsule wall integrity. The test checks to make sure that the capsules are secure, that there are no splits in the capsule walls, and that the ends are staying together. Once all of these checks occur and the results are satisfactory, the batch is run.

Capsules are made in an encapsulating machine while tablets are created using a tableting machine. When an encapsulated vitamin or supplement is made, the last step before bottling is to polish and perform a final inspection. The polishing process removes excess granules from the outside of the capsule so that the product looks its best.

Tablets under a final step too. The last step in creating a vitamin tablet is to coat the tablet. The purpose is to help consumers by either masking a bitter tasting product or to help with swallowing.

Step Six - Vitamin Packaging And Shipping

The very last step in the process is to bottle the product and perform a final QA check. Once the label is affirmed to the bottle the vitamins are boxed and shipped.

We are experts in packaging different vitamins, whether it’s in the form of powder, capsules, or tablets.

We don’t just help you deliver the most noteworthy quality supplements, we additionally work to guarantee that our packaging and naming offerings mirror the most recent advancements in contemporary outline.

The Vitamin market is huge. We make the process of creating your own line of vitamins, minerals, and supplements easy.

Vitamin Contract Manufacturing Advantages

Vitamins are an essential part of life on earth. As natural compounds vitamins play a huge role in the health and wellbeing of humans. We know that without vitamins diseases such as scurvy, rickets, pellagra, and beriberi are not far behind. That is one of the reasons why the vitamin industry is so large. People want to make sure that they are giving their body all of the essential vitamins it needs to thrive.

At EMF CORP, your vitamins will be manufactured in-house at our next-gen FDA approved facility. Our facility features an industrial HVAC system to maintain temperature, air quality, and humidity to keep quality control at it’s highest. Our facility is equipped for mandated raw material testing, label analysis, and quality assurance. You can rest easy knowing your product is being produced in the most advanced facility available today.

We make sure that your supplements are taken care of through every step of the way, from the production to the product fulfillment. We believe quality is key to success. We ensure you receive the highest quality supplements in a timely manner.

Let's Manufacture an Incredible Custom Nutraceutical Vitamin Supplement Together!

It doesn’t matter if you’re entering the industry for the first time, need a new vitamin manufacturer, require an additional source of supply, or are planning on adding a new product to your line; EMF CORP can do everything for you.

Take the first step in working with us – call (983) 440-0646 to speak with one of our Production Specialists or send us your request to receive a free vitamin manufacturing quote.

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